Manual Mixing:
Vibratory screen rubber damping spring is a highly elastomeric spring,made of ordinary rubber.Rubber spring elastic modulus is small,after under load cause greaterelastic deformation,in order to absorb shock and vibration.It can simultaneously load by multi-directional,but heat resistance and oil resistance poor than steel springs.
Vibratory screen rubber damping spring is a highly elastomeric spring,made of ordinary rubber.Rubber spring elastic modulus is small,after under load cause greaterelastic deformation,in order to absorb shock and vibration.It can simultaneously load by multi-directional,but heat resistance and oil resistance poor than steel springs.
►The features of rubber damping spring
1.Good damping effect,little resonance field;
2.Long working life,low cost;
3.Good cold resistance, excellent air tightness, water resistance, electrical insulation;
4.Large elastic deformation
Vibrating screen equipment, double-decker buses, trucks and other industrial machinery, rubber spring are commonly used in mechanical equipment.Rubber spring can also be designed according to the needs of work.