1.Unable to start or small amplitude
♦ Vibration motor is damaged
Change vibration motor
♦ The control circuit of the electrical components is damaged
Chenge electrical components
♦ Insufficient voltage
Change the power purveyance
♦ Screen surface materials piled up too much
Cleanup screen surface material
♦ Vibrator fails
Maintenance vibrator
♦ Grease thickened and caking in the vibratior
2.Cleaning vibrators, updateing and adding the appropriate grease
The movement of material flows anomalies
♦ Horizontal level of the vibration screen box is not right
Adjusting bracket height
♦ Support spring stiffness is too large or damage
Adjusting spring
♦ Screen surface is damaged
Adjust the screen surface
♦ The uneven feed
Even operation, stable feeding
3.Screen quality is poor
♦ Mesh plug
Light screening machine load and clear the screen surface
♦ The sieve material moisture increases
Changing the angle of the screen box
♦ Sifter feeding inequality
Adjust the screening machine feed
♦ Screen surface material layer is too thick
Reduced screening machine feed
♦ Screen is not tight, drive belt is too loose
Taut screen mesh, tighten belt
4.During normal operation sifter rotation slows down, bearing heating
♦ Bearing lack lubrication
Injected into the lubricant
♦ Bearing block
Cleaning bearings, replace the seals, check seals
♦ Bearing grease is too much or join inappropriate oil
Check bearing lubricant
♦ Bearing is damaged or poor installation, the eccentric is round off and different sizes, sealing is jammed
Replacement of bearings, installation eccentric, adjust wheel adjustment
5.Other faults
♦ Bearing is damaged
Change bearing
♦ The screen is not tight, screen surface fixed not firm
Tensioned screen
♦ Bearing mounting bolts loose
Tighten the bolts
♦ Spring is damaged
Replace the spring